Did Putin Snub Other World Leaders for Trump?

Did Putin Snub Other World Leaders for Trump?

On February 10th, 2023, @roaming_rn made a statement on X (formerly Twitter), which was later reposted by @Shunyaa00, alleging that Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, had intentionally walked past all other world leaders to shake hands exclusively with Donald Trump, former President of the United States, and Melania Trump, the former first lady.

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Fact Check:

Our investigation at Time Headline reveals that the video circulated on X was edited to create the false impression that Vladimir Putin snubbed other global leaders to acknowledge Donald Trump. However, according to a report by Global News on YouTube, Putin’s arrival was delayed, and he did indeed shake hands with French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron, his wife, and former German Chancellor Angela Merkel before greeting Donald Trump.

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Brief About Armistice Day

Armistice Day, observed annually on November 11th, marks the end of World War I in 1918. This was the year when the guns fell silent after four years of conflict. Today, people worldwide pay tribute to the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives in the First World War.

In 2018, November 11th holds particular significance as it marks the centenary of the Armistice. More than 120 foreign dignitaries will gather in Paris to remember the events of 1918. Further, they will reflect on the lessons learned from the war and the subsequent century. This solemn occasion provides an opportunity to consider how the experiences of the past can inform efforts to build a more peaceful and prosperous world today.


Thus from the fact check it is evident the viral claim is misleading. Russian president greeted other countries’ Heads as well.


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