Did Israel join hands with ISIS? Read the fact-check

Did Israel join hands with ISIS? Read the fact-check


A picture on X (formerly Twitter) shows soldiers holding both an Israeli flag and an ISIS flag side by side. While sharing the picture, claims have been made suggesting that Israeli soldiers were working with ISIS.

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Fact Check:

Upon conducting a reverse image search on Google, the Times Headline team has confirmed that the original image dates back to June 2023, which predates October 7, 2023. In the actual image, the soldiers are not holding an ISIS flag but rather the flag of the Golani Brigade, one of Israel’s infantry units.

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According to the Jerusalem Post, a delegation consisting of 12 soldiers and commanders from the Golani Brigade’s elite unit in the IDF participated in the “African Lion 2023” international exercise in Morocco.

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To sum up, the image circulated by allegations of a collaboration between Israel and ISIS was found to be false. It was found that the original photo was in June 2023 and depicts Israeli soldiers holding the flag of the Golani Brigade, not ISIS

Analysis: The claims and the photos circulated were false.

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