Big success at a young age: The story behind Tasneem Kausar’s success

Nisar Ahmed Siddiqui


.There is a lot of discussion about a book these days entitled “There is story behind every story”. The arguments given in this book are being discussed the most within the academic world. In this book, an attempt has been made to touch upon those aspects of the wrongdoers, which the society ignores. Society only discusses mistakes whereas no one likes to see the story behind making mistakes and its environment.

Tasneem Kausar, a student of Aligarh Muslim University pursuing her graduation, is the author of this book. Tasneem’s story is also similar to the title of the book. There is a story behind this success as well. That is the story of the struggles going on in her personal life. The story of a girl who struggles in the society after her parents lost her head in childhood, who achieved great success at a young age with her hard work, dedication, strong will and strong intentions.

Tasneem Kausar is originally from Chhapra district of Bihar. She earned her high school education in Chapra itself.  After this, she joined Aligarh Muslim University with hard work for her intermediate studies. Presently she is doing BA from AMU. Tasnim has a habit of reading and writing from the beginning. She loved to write since childhood. On this habit, Tasneem Kausar says that her passion for writing was inculcated by her late father. He used to ask to write books and magazines since childhood. This courage of her father instilled a tremendous interest in writing in her. After which she continued to write articles. She also wrote many books but it could not get published due to some reasons.  Tasneem got her first breakthrough when she got her book “There is Story Behind Every Story”, published by Express Publishing.

Describing her first book, Tasneem Kausar states that there are two characters in this story, Ayaan and Kainaat. Through both these characters we can know that one cannot judge the personality of any person by the story seen with open eyes. By doing this we will not be able to do justice to him.  Because every human being has a story other than real life. We should first know this story and then think about that person. According to an interview given by Tasnim, if a person makes a false statement or does something wrong, then there must have been some reason behind it. We should not question the personality and reputation of that person without knowing the reason. It is important to understand the story or reason behind every incident. Only then will you be able to reach better conclusions.

On the idea of ​​writing in an interview, Tasneem says that the idea of ​​writing this book came to her when she was traveling by train. This journey was very boring. To make this boring journey useful, she started writing. Initially it was like a short story, which gradually took the form of a book. Today, when this book is published and has come among the people, it is getting better response.  Tasneem is very happy with the appreciation the book is getting.  Tasneem says that she wants to be a good and successful writer, she wants to present a different perspective to the society with her writing, she wants to influence the people with the words written in the book, so that the people get the true understanding of the events and their stories. Understanding can be created.

Tasneem says that the appreciation she has been receiving since the publication of her first book has boosted her spirits.  She told that she is working on some more books, which would be published soon. Giving the mantra of success to the youth of today, Tasneem says that in today’s era, no one needs to go astray. You can make your name in the society with hard work, honesty and strong will.  Looking at Tasneem’s thoughtful advice, hard work, dedication, strong will and strong intentions, you can guess that she will definitely become a successful writer.


(The author is a freelance journalist and research scholar at Jamia Millia Islamia University)

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