Indoctrination, radicalisation taking roots in Kashmir due to ISI propaganda

Indoctrination, radicalisation taking roots in Kashmir due to ISI propaganda



By:- Farooq Ganderbali


The indoctrination and radicalisation taking roots in Kashmir due to the propaganda machination by Pakistan and its notorious spy agency ISI is frightening. The youth of the valley, who have lived in the shadow of the gun and an uncertain atmosphere, are constantly fed with a huge dose of the Jihadi language and culture.

Almost all of South Kashmir has seen a slow and continuous radicalisation even as the more conservative religious teachings of the once-dominant Jamat-e-Islami (JeI) no longer hold sway. Pakistan has played out a diabolic and concerted plan to radicalise the Kashmiri society. It is a fact that radicalisation has made huge inroads into Kashmir in the past few years, but if it has reached a level that a young boy is ready to blow himself after being brainwashed, it must be a cause of huge concern for all in Kashmir.

The current phase of radicalisation through social media in the Valley has few distinct features; Sufism is being replaced by Salafism, more youth is being radicalised, polarisation among the Sunni Muslims, encourages separatism, the free-flow of Wahhabi literature and petro-dollars and the proxy war unleashed by Pakistan through ISI sponsored jihadist terrorist outfits. It also coincides with the growing radicalisation internationally and growth of deadly global jihadist terror outfits like Al Qaeda and ISIS.

There is no evidence that the Pakistan army or the ISI has rethought its India or Kashmir policy.

There is an urgent need to save Kashmir from following Pakistan into oblivion. The region has to be extracted from the certain destruction that the Pakistan sponsored narrative is leading it to. Tackling radicalisation is a battle of minds. Hence, a sustained effort with new approach and outlook to turn over the situation needs to be adopted. De-radicalisation is like detoxification and would require a sustained and continuous effort.

We need to understand that the (Taliban) victory in Afghanistan is being seen (by terror groups supported by ISI) as a Pakistani victory and victory of radical forces . ISI openly operated hundreds of fake  social media accounts against India for  propaganda .

No dialogue, no thought process, no appeasement seems to be having a positive effect on those who have been indoctrinated, so deeply ingrained is the Jihadi mindset in their system. This mentality compels even those who are not active to support the cause of Islam by shielding the terrorist from security forces whenever any encounter or search is going on.

Fortunately, the situation is alarming but not critical. Most Kashmiris and other Muslims still revere mausoleums and shrines and consider them to be part of their cultural heritage.  Kashmiriyat may be down; it is not out.


Disclaimer: This analysis is the author’s individual scholastic contribution and does not necessarily reflect the organization’s viewpoint.

(Farooq Ganderbali is Srinagar Based Journalist).


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