Beyond Festivities: Challenges and Opportunities for Religious Harmony in India

By: Anna

Only last month, we as a country celebrated three major religious festivals- Ramadan, Holi and Easter. Spring heralded the joy of ritualistic vigour and the emptying of several wallets. As a Delhite, it was common to see Christians and Muslims discussing their fasts and Hindus waiting for their upcoming abstinence during Navaratra. Ramadan, though not strictly a spring festival, offers a unique perspective on renewal when it falls within this season. The core of Ramadan lies in spiritual purification and self-reflection. By abstaining from food and drink during daylight hours, Muslims focus on their inner lives and strengthen their connection with God.  This emphasis on inner growth resonates beautifully with the concept of spring as a time for nature to awaken and flourish. Holi too symbolises the triumph of good over evil and the end of winter’s darkness.

Easter celebrates the resurrection of Christ, the signalling of  rebirth and new life,

However, against a backdrop of fun and frolic, we are faced with mounting religious tensions in our country. With more lynchings against minority communities, our country risks being intolerant of them and dividing the nation. What is worse is when these are mandates by the state.

A beacon of hope lies in the CSDS-Lokniti 2024 pre-poll survey results. A resounding 79% of respondents expressed support for India’s status as a nation where all religions are respected equally. This overwhelming sentiment underscores the vital role of religious pluralism in the country’s social fabric. As we come closer to the election season, in a country fraught with communal tensions and risks endangering the lives of minority communities, it is important to remember that we as voters, have a say in how our country looks like. We have a say in how safe we want each other to feel.

This election, make your vote count!

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