Did Russian President declare support for Iran if US attacks Iranian soil?

Did Russian President declare support for Iran if US attacks Iranian soil?

A tweet on X (formerly known as Twitter) has been making rounds, gaining over 2 lakh likes. User @jacksonhinklle took to the social media app, claiming Vladimir Putin, President of Russia has declared support for Iran if United States attacks Iranian soil in support of Israel.

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Fact Check

The Russian president has made no declaration regarding their support for Iran if US attacks Iranian soil. The most recent statement  given by the Kremlin  according to leading reports by Aljazeera and Reuters said “Vladimir Putin expressed hope that all sides would show reasonable restraint and prevent a new round of confrontation fraught with catastrophic consequences for the entire region” .  With this, Putin and the Russian state has acknowledged Iran’s attack to be a retaliation to Israel attacks At the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

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Putin has made no remarks on behalf of the state of Russia providing support to Iran if US attacks Iranian soil. Russia has instead called for restraint from all sides in the middle East during escalated attacks between Israel and Iran.

Times Headline analysis: False

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