According to the peace treaty signed in Brest-Litovsk on March 3, 1918, Russia lost about 150,000 square kilometers of territory and hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Russia did not sign a separate peace with Germany in December 1917, as this was completely out of the plans of Britain and the Zionists, bound by mutual obligations. The Jews should not have allowed Russia to withdraw from the war, and Britain promised assistance in creating a Jewish state in Palestine. But if Balfour’s plan did not work, then the Zionists considered a backup plan for the creation of a Jewish state, namely in Azerbaijan. 

Historical facts show that both Russia, the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh, and Palestine became victims of the Zionist movements. 

Theodore Herzl’s attempt to negotiate with Sultan Abdul Hamid. 

After Theodor Herzl received a polite refusal from the Turkish ruler to hand over Palestine to the Zionists for the organization of a sovereign national hearth there, Herzl contacted the German government in the hope that it would force the Sultan to make concessions. 

Later in his letter Sultan Abdul Hamid Efendi Abu Shamat wrote: “I left the post of head of the Caliphate only because of obstacles and threats from those who call themselves “Young Turks.” The Committee of Unity and Progress”, as obsessives insist that I consent to the formation of a national Jewish state in the holy land of Palestine. But despite their assertiveness, I resolutely refused them. In the end, they offered me 150 million. British pounds sterling in gold, but I refused again.

 After a decisive refusal, they decided to remove me from power, after which they informed me that they would send me to Thessaloniki, which I had to put up with. I praise my Benefactor for not allowing me to shame the Ottoman state and the Islamic world.” 

The methods of the Zionists are as old as the world: by giving huge bribes to the Grand Vizier of Turkey, Hakka Pasha, they managed to win him over to their side. One of the leaders of Zionism, Israel Zangwill, describes these events in the Fortnight Review magazine: “… The Grand Vizier Hakka Pasha will be exactly the person who will put the question of the creation of a great Jewish state in front of the High Port. The haughty vizier did not dare to object. Before his eyes was a sad picture of the deposition of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, who, needing money like a fish in water, refused Theodor Herzl’s offer to repay all his debts if he would give firman (permission) to purchase Palestinian and Lebanese lands for Jews. To begin with, Herzl offered the Sultan 150 million British pounds in cash. He replied to Herzl with a poisonous letter saying that the Jews would be able to get Palestine only if the Ottoman Empire was dismembered and destroyed.” 

Another former Turkish Minister of Justice, Said Molla Bey, noted: “when we say Turks, we need to separate from them the Thessaloniki Denme and the Ittihad and the military organized by them.” He was referring to the Jews who converted to Islam and became Turks. In 1891, in Geneva, they also created the Jewish Masonic organization “Ittihad ve te raki” (unity and progress). They set out to crush Islam and the Caliphate (Ottoman). Thus, Ittihadists are renounced Jews (Denme), who were called “sarygl”, they belonged to Masonic lodges or assemblies. Their head was Emmanuel Karaso, his associates were Dr. Nazim, also a denme, a member of the syncretic sect of Jewish Muslims, as well as Talaat, Enver, Jemal, Javid, Fehli, Midhat Shyukri, Bursaly Tahir, etc. 

On the eve of the First World War, Talaat, Enver and Jemal Pasha led the country. Sometimes in the triumvirate, instead of Jemal, Finance Minister Javid is mentioned, who was privy to the secrets of Enver and Talaat’s activities, and is associated with Zionist, German, and Western European banking circles. 

Mustafa Kemal, aka Ataturk (the father of Turks), the founder and president of the Turkish Republic, also came from the Thessaloniki Denme. 

The Zionists’ orientation towards cooperation with Germany. 

During the First World War, the Germans began using Jews for military purposes for the first time. According to Lloyd George, “it was none other than the Jews who helped the German army break the oppression of tsarism in Poland… the Jews also enjoyed influence in other countries, especially in America, where some of their powerful leaders influenced President Wilson, restraining his desire to get closer to the allies.” 

In response to such assistance, the Germans in 1916 insisted that the Turks give in to the Zionists on the question of Palestine. In this regard, it did not take much effort to put pressure on Turkey, since Denme was in power there. 

However, the cooperation of the Germans with the Jews did not suit the British very much and they decided to reorient the Jews from the Germans to the British. The beginning of this reorientation was laid in March 1916. Then Russian Foreign Minister S.D. Sazonov receives a memo from the British Embassy in Petrograd. It says that a telegram has been received from the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lord Grey, stating that Lucien Wolf has brought to the attention of His Majesty’s Government the question of the settlement of Jews in Palestine.

Reorientation to Britain. 

Lucien Wolf, chairman of the Jewish Society in England and subsequently represented the interests of the Zionists at the world conference in 1919, defined their aspirations in Palestine in this way: “If, as a result of the war, Palestine falls out of the sphere of French and British interests, then the French and British governments will not fail to take into account the historical interests of Jewry in this country. Both governments will provide the Jewish population with equal political rights, religious and civil freedom with the rest of the inhabitants, that is, municipal privileges in colonies and cities that seem necessary, as well as reasonable benefits for colonization and emigration.” 

The Russian government did not object to the settlement of Jews in Palestine. This marked the beginning of the reorientation of Zionist strategy and tactics from Germany to the countries of Consent. At the same time, the Zionists continued to maintain good relations with the Young Turks. 

In February 1917, a revolution took place in Russia, and in March a Provisional government was formed in Petrograd. P.N. Milyukov was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs. He informed the Russian ambassadors about the events taking place in the country and stated that the provisional government remains faithful to its allied obligations both in the matter of continuing the war and in relation to the concluded treaties. Thus, there have been no changes in Russia’s foreign policy. As for the Palestinian issue, the Russian Foreign Ministry was well informed about both the position of the Zionists and the plans of Britain and France. The British Government informed the interested countries of its intention to conclude a special agreement with the Zionists, and after receiving their consent, it began official negotiations with the Zionists. 

Negotiations between the authorized representative of the British government, Sir Mark Sykes, and the Zionists began on February 7, 1917. On the part of the latter were present: the head of the Zionist center N. Sokolov, H. Weizmann, M. Gaster, Robert Samuel, Lord Walter Rothschild, James Rothschild, G. Bentwich, G. Sakers and J. Cowen. It was decided that the Zionist demands should be presented to all the belligerent Powers, primarily those allied with Britain. To this end, in April 1917, N. Sokolov was sent to Paris and then to Rome. He attracted prominent representatives of the Jewish communities to his side so that they could influence their governments in the spirit necessary for Zionism. (Nothing has changed in Zionist politics since that day.) He received support everywhere, even from the Pope. Even the United States supported the Zionists. The Chief Justice, the head of the American Zionists, Louis Brandeis, played a big role in this.

And in Russia, the Zionists have secured the support of their demands from the Provisional Government. The famous Zionist Mark Nordau wrote in his work “20 years of Zionism” that after the February “glorious revolution” the new “rulers …. they listen to us” and that “only we are the legitimate representatives of the Jewish people.” 

Thus, there were Zionist agents of influence in all the warring Powers. They were not voiceless agents and acted according to the principles of trade – I offer you this and demand this in return. Theodor Herzl’s “Society of Jews” has become an integral part of the global strategy of the leading countries. 

The rivalry between the Germans and the British for influence over Zionism intensified especially in the summer of 1917. It was then that British Foreign Minister Balfour, with the blessing of Lloyd George, entered into official negotiations with Lord Rothschild. On the third of September of the same year, the British war Cabinet, at a special meeting of the Government, discussed the correspondence between Balfour and Rothschild on the question of the policy to be followed in relation to the Zionist movement. 

The War Cabinet approves the Government’s proposal to conclude a special agreement with Zionism, formally called the “Balfour Declaration.” However, the war Cabinet wished to enlist the support of American President Wilson before its publication. To this end, Lord Balfour makes a trip to the USA. A few weeks later, he was pleased to inform the Cabinet that “President Wilson is extremely favorable to the Zionist movement.” Similar assurances were received from the Governments of France and Italy. At the same time, Balfour informs the British ministers that the German government continues to take measures to “bring the Zionist movement to its side” and that it is necessary to hurry. So, Zionist diplomats succeed because their goals coincide with the explicit or secret interests of the great Powers. 

On November 2, 1917, one of the leaders of the British Zionists, Lord Rothschild, receives a letter with the following content: “My dear Lord Rothschild, I am very pleased to send you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration expressing sympathy for Jewish Zionist aspirations, which has been discussed and approved by the Cabinet. His Majesty’s Government expresses its benevolent attitude towards the establishment of a National Center for the Jewish People in Palestine and will make every effort to achieve this goal. At the same time, it is clearly stipulated that nothing will be done that could harm the civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish population living in Palestine or the rights and political position of Jews in other countries. I would be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the attention of the Zionist Federation. Yours sincerely, Arthur James Balfour” 

Intensive negotiations between the leaders of world Zionism and the leaders of the British government led to a mutual agreement. It remained to announce the time of its signing and publication.

The Bolsheviks and the Jewish lobby. 

After the October coup, new figures came to power. The Soviet Republic announced its intention to withdraw from the war. Germany has agreed to negotiate on this issue. After the refusal of the Entente countries to negotiate peace, Russia agreed to separate negotiations with Germany on the conclusion of peace. The British War Cabinet chose the first days after the October coup as the right time to sign and publish its agreement with the Zionists, known in history as the Balfour Declaration. Foreign Minister Balfour spoke at a meeting of the military cabinet. He stated: “According to my information, at present everyone agrees that from a purely diplomatic and political point of view it is desirable to publish some kind of declaration favorable to Jewish nationalists…If we make a declaration in favor of these ideas, we will be able to develop propaganda that is extremely useful for us both in Russia and in America.” 

The Anglo-Zionist Agreement was based on mutual obligations, as is usually the case with any such agreement. The British promise to “lay the foundation of the Jewish state,” and “the Zionist leaders, for their part … will do everything to unite Jews and ensure that the allies support Jews in all countries.” What was meant by this support?

First of all, it was assumed that the Russian Zionists would put pressure on the Soviet government in favor of continuing the war and achieve a situation in which they would at least delay the conclusion of the Soviet-German peace agreement and thereby prevent Germany and Austria from reducing troops on the Eastern Front and increasing their numbers on the Western Front, and would not allow the same countries The central agreement is “to get bread, oil and copper from the vast natural reserves of this huge and rich country.” 

In all this, public opinion, created by the Zionists in favor of the Entente countries, had to play a big role. And so, in order to create such a “public opinion”, it was decided, on the recommendation of the Zionists, to publish the Balfour Declaration.

This was done on November 8, 1917, by decision of the British war Cabinet. 

Balfour’s declaration was followed by a very significant immigration of Jews to Palestine… the Zionists took full advantage of the opportunity that opened up to him (in the future they intend to take advantage of it even more fully). Let’s add that by that time Trotsky’s agreement with Talent had already been reached, which allowed the Zionists to take full advantage of this opportunity. 

Along with the rapprochement and conclusion of the Anglo-Zionist alliance, the rapprochement continued for the conclusion of the Turkish-Zionist alliance.

Negotiations in Brest-Litovsk. 

The leaders of the London Center of the Jewish National Movement put forward two tasks after the October revolution in Russia: 

1) to achieve the transfer of sovereignty over Palestine by Turkey to the Jews in order to lay the foundation of a Jewish state; 

2) to prevent the new Russia from leaving the war, not to allow the Germans to transfer troops from East to West and use Russia’s huge raw materials. A theatrical production was staged in Brest-Litovsk, the purpose of which was to fulfill these two directives from London. Trotsky was destined to play the role of executor of the decisions of the London Center regarding Germany (no peace, force it to resume war with Russia) and Turkey (at all costs to achieve an agreement). It cannot be said that this brilliant diplomatic performance was poorly conceived and rehearsed, but the performers played rough. 

The performance consisted of three acts. In the first, Trotsky’s zealous disciple Joffe spoke, in the second – Trotsky himself, in the third – Sokolnikov.

The main adviser to the Soviet delegation at the negotiations in Brest was M. Pavlovich (Veltman), a “theorist” on the countries of the East. In his autobiography, he tells how, on the second day after the October Revolution, he received Trotsky’s order to obtain and transfer to him strictly secret diplomatic documents from the tsarist archives. In record time, Pavlovich completes the task, and Trotsky publishes them in the entire Russian and international press. Among these secret documents was the Sykes-Picot Treaty of 1916, according to which Britain and France agreed after the victory to transfer Constantinople, the Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits, as well as the regions of Erzrum, Trebizond, Van, Bitlis and part of Kurdistan to Russia. The publication of the secret agreement, of course, caused the jubilation of Enver, Talaat and Jemal, and the latter made a commendable speech in Beirut on November twentieth, 1917, to those who made these documents public. 

That’s how the Sykes-Picot agreement was “burned”. People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs Trotsky, in his address “To all, to all, to all”, put forward the slogan “Down with the old secret treaties and diplomatic postscript” and proclaimed “honest”, “open” diplomacy. 

The Bolsheviks fully supported the Young Turks.

However, let’s return to the negotiations between Germany and Russia. Germany longed for a separate peace with Russia. She took a number of steps in this direction even under tsarism. 

Now she was maintaining the illusion of a purely business-like nature of the negotiations. A. Ioffe tells us. “It would seem that what could be better? It was only necessary to use “the German thirst for a separate peace with Russia and enter into an active discussion of the issue in order to achieve the most favorable conditions from the peace agreement.” 

At a joint meeting of the political commission on December 14, the Germans announced their draft peace treaty, consisting of sixteen articles. Fourteen of them had already been agreed upon with the Soviet delegation at previous meetings. Two articles were put forward for the first time and related to territorial issues. These articles have caused controversy. 

Ioffe makes a prepared decision… to break off the negotiations. Then the German delegation proposed to convene a new meeting the next day. On it, the treaty was already read out without two articles affecting territorial issues. However, Ioffe made no attempt to exploit the situation. He writes about this as follows: “Our delegation did not enter into a discussion of the German proposals, but only listened to them and took note of them.”

This is the finale of Ioffe’s negotiations with representatives of the Austro-German bloc. And what are the results of the negotiations with the Turkish delegation? 

Joffe, who has proven himself “well” in negotiations with the Germans, is negotiating with the Turks. He conducted secret negotiations with Khaki Pasha, and they mostly agreed in informal meetings. They were preparing the necessary conditions for a summit meeting between Talaat and Trotsky. Trotsky was appointed head of the Soviet delegation to conduct further negotiations in Brest-Litovsk. 

Before leaving, Trotsky presented the Turks with another gift – not without Lenin’s knowledge, he issued an order for the demobilization of the Russian army from the Caucasian Front. He also met with the head of the British delegation at the negotiations in Brest-Litovsk, Vice-Consul B. Lockhard, whose task was to legally do everything regarding the impossibility of signing a separate agreement between Russia and Germany. Trotsky was well aware that the Germans were actually interested in peace. However, he did everything to disrupt the conclusion of peace. The speeches of Trotsky and Kamenev were provocative and infuriated the Germans. 

German General Hoffmann writes: “The next day, on Trotsky’s orders, his son-in-law Kamenev made a speech that made all the officers sitting at the table bleed to the head. Russian Russians could only make this speech if the German army had been defeated and the Russian troops had triumphantly entered German territory.”

Field Marshal Guildenburg ordered the command of the Eastern Front that “if the Russians continue to delay negotiations, they must be interrupted and hostilities resumed. This would lead to the overthrow of the Bolshevik government.” 

On January 14th, Kuhlmann presented the Soviet delegation with the terms of peace: the troops of Germany and its allies remain in the occupied regions. At a meeting of the political commission on January 18, Hoffman showed a map where the border they claimed was defined. According to the military representative of the Soviet delegation, Captain Linsky, the border of the project was generally located east of the Moonsund archipelago and the city of Riga, somewhat west of the city of Dvinsk, near the town of Vidza and further Brest-Litovsk. This line was drawn only north of Brest-Litovsk. According to the general, the border south of Brest-Litovsk was supposed to be discussed separately with the delegates of the Ukrainian Central Rada. 

The further development of events is as follows: on February 3, Kuhlmann and Chernin left for Berlin to receive new instructions. On February 4, negotiations took place in the Imperial Chancellery between representatives of Germany and Austria-Hungary. At this meeting, Ludendorff said: “I would welcome the end of the truce with Russia. Then we would have undertaken military operations.” And further argued that a break with Trotsky would lead to the resumption of hostilities and the fall of the Bolshevik government.

Without going into details, we will only add that Trotsky did everything to fulfill the Zionists’ decision: to prevent peace between the Germans and the Russians. 

A curious fact. Trotsky, at a meeting with Chernin, where Karakhan was also present, said that he, Trotsky, “will not come to an agreement with the Germans, even if it is connected with the fall of the new regime in Russia.” 

The result of the negotiations with the Germans was the following declaration: “In the name of the Council of People’s Commissars, the Government of the Russian Federal Republic hereby informs the Governments and peoples of the allied and neutral countries at war with us that, by refusing to sign the Annexation Treaty, Russia, for its part, declares the state of war with Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria terminated. At the same time, the Russian troops are ordered to complete demobilization along the entire front. 

  1. Trotsky, A.Ioffe, M. Pokrovsky, A. Btsitsenko, V. Karelin”. There is no signature of the secretary of the delegation L.M. Karakhan. He refused to sign the declaration. After such an absurd and shameful declaration, what doubt can there be about whether it was a conspiracy or not.

Consequences of the declaration 

At a meeting on February 14, 1918 in Hamburg, attended by Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany, Chancellor Gertling, Field Marshal Hindenburg, General Ludendorff and others, the German emperor was extremely annoyed. He stated: “We have not received a signature from Trotsky, so we must first overthrow the Bolsheviks if we want to have an instrument of peace. The Russian people are given out to take revenge on Jews who are connected with all Jews of the world, that is, Freemasons.” It is clear that the German emperor longed for peace in the East in order to transfer troops to the West against the Entente powers, and now he has to do the opposite, transfer troops from West to East. Not only Wilhelm and his generals, but also German politicians were well aware that Trotsky was simply sabotaging the conclusion of peace in favor of the Balfour Declaration. 

The Germans transferred four divisions from the Western Front to the Eastern Front and resumed the offensive on February 18. In 14 days, they occupied a number of regions of the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia. In particular, Dvinsk, Minsk, Rejitsa, Orsha, Yuryev, Pskov, Revel, Narva and other cities were occupied; the Germans were approaching Petrograd. The capital is being moved to Moscow. 

At the evening meeting of the Central Committee of the party on February 18, Lenin demanded that peace be signed immediately. This motion passes by seven votes to five. A telegram is given to Berlin. The response was received on February 23, and the conditions turned out to be harsh. 

The Soviet delegation, led by Sokolnikov, who arrived in Brest-Litovsk, under the terms of the German ultimatum had only three days to conduct and end peace negotiations. At the planning meeting on March 1, Chairman von Rosenberg reads out the ten conditions of the German ultimatum of February 21. Having reached the fifth point, “on the purification of the province of eastern Anatolia,” he adds the following addition: “with the inclusion of the districts of Ardagan, Kars and Batumi. However,” von Rosenberg continues, “we do not insist on this, in order to avoid accusations of annexationist aspirations.” Trotsky, even in the days of the armistice and before the start of official peace negotiations, achieved that Russian troops began to withdraw from Transcaucasia. In his statement of January 28, 1918, Trotsky “in the clearest and most distinct form” said that the withdrawal of troops was already underway and that he “had sufficiently strong principled considerations that do not allow … to look at the cleansing of the Armenian territory as an exchange for purification.” 

Thus, the Trotsky-Talaat plan received its final, so to speak, documentary confirmation in Sokolnikov’s decision to transfer these districts to Turkey. The Brest-Litovsk Peace Agreement was signed on March 3, 1918.

The Brest-Litovsk Peace Agreement was signed on March 3, 1918. On March 8, the Brest Peace was ratified at the VII Emergency Congress of the Russian Communist Party (b), and on March 14 – at the IV emergency All-Russian Congress of Soviets. Did he bring peace? No. He brought the continuation of the war in the East and South, initiated foreign military intervention, and gave rise to a civil war. 

Why didn’t peace come? Because he was not wanted by the powerful forces interested in the war with Germany, in the strict fulfillment of the conditions of the Balfour Declaration. On the second of March, even before the signing of the Brest Peace, Trotsky, in order to inflame the situation, instructed the chairman of the Murmansk Council, Yuriev, to conclude an agreement with the British on accepting their military assistance. Having received such an instruction, Yuryev ensured that the Murmansk Council of Workers’ Deputies declared war on the Germans. A so-called “verbal agreement” was concluded, according to which the Entente countries received the right to land troops in Murmansk to “protect” the coast from the allegedly expected “attack of the German fleet.” This was what the British wanted. “The British,” Churchill writes, “made every effort to receive a formal invitation from the Bolshevik leaders. It was especially important because in this way it would be possible to overcome the reluctance to intervention on the part of the United States.” Thus, a “formal invitation” was received. Already on March 9, that is, after the signing of the Brest Peace, the British began landing troops from the cruiser Gloria, and then from the cruiser Cochain, the French on March 18 from the cruiser Admiral Ob, the Americans on May 24 from the cruiser Olympia.

British-Jewish and Turkish-Jewish bargaining. 

After the publication of the Balfour Declaration, the London Center for the Jewish National Movement gave directive instructions to the Zionists of Russia on new methods of work in accordance with the goals and objectives of England. In one secret report by a member of the central committee of the Zionist organization, A.D. Idelson, who fell into the hands of Soviet authorities during a search, it is explicitly stated that the Zionists pledged to Britain “through Jewish workers in Soviet bodies to exert pressure in favor of continuing the war.” 

Through which employees? To this question, the protocol replied impressively: “Not subject to disclosure.” Summing up the events that unfolded in the West of our country from the moment Trotsky refused to sign peace in Brest-Litovsk until the collapse of Germany in World War I in November 1918, it is easy to see that if Trotsky had agreed to peace at one time, the country would have temporarily lost 150 thousand square kilometers, and now it was losing one million, and how many human casualties and material losses there were! It is no coincidence that Winston Churchill noted that Russia “detained more than half of the enemy’s divisions on its fronts and lost more in this struggle than all other allies combined.” This was the case on the Western Front, and on the Southern? With the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Caucasian Front in 1917, the Soviet leadership handed the Turks the keys to Transcaucasia, and with the signing of the Brest Peace, it gave the green light to the Turkish invasion of the region. Churchill wrote that the Brest-Litovsk Treaty “served as the beginning for a general Turkish offensive in the East.”

It remains to be seen whether the Contracting Parties have fulfilled their obligations under the Balfour Declaration. The British claim that the Zionists have fulfilled. “The Zionist leaders,” Lloyd George said, “have kept their word, both in form and in meaning, and now there is one question on the agenda: do we intend to honestly keep our word.” 

Turkey also kept its word given by Talaat Pasha to Trotsky in January 1918. The results met expectations. The first results of this were summed up by one of the leaders of the national Jewish movement, B. Goldberg. He published an article in which he quotes with great satisfaction the words of that Jemal Pasha who, back in 1917, publicly welcomed Trotsky for publishing secret tsarist treaties. In his speech to a group of Jews, Jemal Pasha stated: “You have already created a Jewish state in Palestine. You have created a network of schools in your language, you have created a network of colonies where you manage yourself. You have created a Central bank with a whole network of branches in the country, which has even issued its own banknotes, you have your own court, you even have your own armed militia (chashimer), you have your own government in the form of a Zionist administration, you have set up your own city where a non-Jew cannot even spend the night (Tel Aviv), you you even have your own flag and your own postage stamp. What else do you want?” 

The secret agreement between Trotsky and Talaat marked the beginning of a new tragic stage in the history of 20th century Armenia. After Mustafa Kemal’s letter to Lenin and the conclusion of the Russian-Turkish Treaty of Friendship and Brotherhood in 1921, the union founded by Trotsky and Talaat received a new content and quality.

The Shirvan plan. 

How can we explain the close relationship and mutual understanding between the Bolsheviks and the Young Turks, and then with Kemal Ataturk? Currently, the plans of the Thessaloniki crypto-Jewish Masonic Lodge (which operated under the name of the Turkish party “Ittihad ve Teraki”) and the Bolshevik Masonic lodge “Blue Dragon” remain unclear. We believe that the reason for the Young Turks’ close relationship with the Provisional government and the Bolsheviks, and later with Ataturk and Lenin, is due to the fact that they were all governed from a single Zionist center. They had a common task: to create a Jewish state, preferably on the land of Palestine. In case of failure, a backup plan “Shirvan” is provided.

What is this plan? 

The persons responsible for carrying out the Shirvan plan were three prominent Bolshevik Jews: Leon Trotsky (aka Leiba Bronstein), Zinoviev (aka Apfelbaum), Kamenev (aka Feyerman). They were the initiators of the creation of a number of Turkic administrative units on the southern borders of the USSR. It was Kamenev who organized the Congress of the Peoples of the East, held in 1920 in Baku, at which the close connection of Turkey and the Turkic world with the Bolsheviks was proclaimed. At the meetings of the military Revolutionary Committee, Trotsky repeatedly spoke in favor of expanding the rights of the Turkic population of the Caucasus at the expense of other peoples in order to improve allied relations with Turkey. He destroyed everyone who stood in this way. In September 1918, Trotsky’s efforts destroyed the government of the Bolshevik idealists in Baku: 26 commissars (Shahumyan, Japaridze, Kardanov, etc.) and formed a new government representing the interests of the Thessaloniki crypto Masonic lodge, which was led by the crypto Jew Khan Khoysky (Hakan Sulayf), Khan Gozinsky (Piri Abdelbey David), Harov Sultanbek (Abraham-Assaf), Ashurov (Emanuel Laser Solomon), Rasulov (Rufim Isaac Sala), Kerim Pashayet (Isaac Roer), etc. The intermediary role between the Musafatist party and Stalin’s headquarters, Kemal Ataturk, Khon Khoysky and the Georgian Menshevik Party (5th Masonic Lodge of Mountain Jews) was played by Lavrenty Beria, he is the son of a Jewish tobacco seller and a Mingrelian peasant woman, Leiba Bershkovich. 

Thus, the Thessaloniki crypto-Jewish lodge “Ittihad ve Teraki” and the Bolshevik Masonic lodge “Blue Dragon” sought to create a Jewish state “Hazaret-Israelite” on the territory of Kalmykia, Dagestan, Azerabaijan and Talyshstan.

Due to the Judaization of the main population of Azerbaijan, it was supposed to become an experimental training ground under the leadership of Ashkenazi Jews. The territory of Shirvan (Azerbaijan) is considered by international Jewish organizations to be a living space – a territory for the Jewish state on the following grounds. As is known, after the defeat of the Khazar Khaganate by Svyatoslav in 965, the Turkic-Jewish population of this state almost entirely migrated to the Shirvan plateau. Thus, Jews believe, the ideas of the Talmud are embedded in the blood of the first Turks who migrated to Shirvan. 

The second important source of Judaism is the Iranian Tata tribe, half of whom converted to Judaism and mountain Jews. They made up 40-50% of the population in five counties of Shirvan, and in 45 villages of the Absheron Peninsula – 90%. Their number was also significant in the cities of Dagestan. Consequently, 40% of today’s Azerbaijanis professed Judaism in ancient times. 

In the late spring of 1920, the newspaper “Young Zion”, founded by T. Herzl in Vienna, which was the “mouthpiece” of Zionism, wrote that a Jewish state, Azerbaijan, had been created in the Caucasus, designed to absorb and unite the entire region.

And they absorbed: part of Armenia, part of Lezgistan, there were even big plans to absorb the northern territories of Iran, Aterpatakan. It is no coincidence that the young Jewish state was called Azerbaijan (named by Trotsky and Zinoviev), in order to then tear off the northern part of Iran (Aterpatakan -Azerbaijan) and annex it to Soviet Azerbaijan. The article by Hankel Stapitz (a correspondent from the Polish city of Krakow) notes that the external Muslim appearance of Azerbaijan is used to mask the politics of the Talmud and the Jewish spirit. 

The Shirvan option, however, was a fallback option for the creation of a Jewish state in the event that the implementation of the Balfour Declaration failed. 

The Shirvan option was attractive for three reasons:

1) The presence of a significant Jewish population and a population descended from Jewish ancestors; 

2) A convenient military-strategic position; 

3) Rich fuel reserves (oil fields – in Baku, Grozny); When it became obvious that the Balfour Declaration regarding the Zionization of Palestine was being implemented, the Shirvan option became experimental. 

That is, the creation of a “Turkic” state under Jewish leadership and significant influence of Iranian culture was undertaken. 

Since its creation, Azerbaijan has been ruled by Jews or married to a Jewish woman. For example, the head of the Azerbaijani government, Nariman Narimanov, was a mountain Jew. He was succeeded by Mirza Huseynov, who was married to Tamara Khoyskaya (daughter of the crypto-Jew Khan Khoysky, Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in 1918). After Kirov’s removal from Baku, the Azerbaijani government was headed by Mir Dzafar Bagirov (Meir Dzefarim Bozum), the son of the Zionist crypto-Jew Tobias- Eliash Bozum. Bagirov was married to a relative of the wife of the chairman of the Jewish World Congress H. Weisman, the English intelligence officer Eliza Henrikhovna Senyavskaya (Esther Girshovna Senkevich).

The golden age of Azerbaijani Jewry began in the late 1970s, under Heydar Aliyev (an ethnic Kurd). Then a merciless struggle began between three political ethnic groups, Nakhichevan (Kurds), Ganja (Turks), and the more powerful and Jewish ethnic group Shushi (Karabakh). The latter group had a great influence among the intelligentsia of the Muslim clergy and the disenfranchised masses. The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, Abdul Rahman Vezirov, aka Abba David Dzifon (he is Pfalzholz on his mother’s side), as well as Ayaz Mutalibov, who replaced Vezirov in this post, was a Jew. 

Heydar Aliyev’s son Ilham, the President of Azerbaijan, is married to a Jewish woman, Mehriban Pashayeva. Israel has always been on the side of Azerbaijan in the Karabakh conflict, and the US Jewish organizations have always supported this country. They, and especially the Zionists, consider Azerbaijan to be their territory, and Nagorno-Karabakh to be a territory for Jewish settlement. Using the example of the ethnic cleansing of the Armenians of Karabakh, Israel saw that it is possible to commit genocide against the Palestinians and not be punished. Today, Azerbaijan is ruled not by representatives of the Shiite majority or the Sunni minority, but by a clan of mountain Jews and Kurds. 

At first glance, it was surprising when Armenia’s military ally Russia began selling offensive weapons worth $6 billion to Azerbaijan. Dmitry Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government (Jewish by mother), lobbied for this deal. For this transaction, I received a gift from a mountain Jew, a native of Azerbaijan, Goda Nisanov, an apartment worth $ 5 million. 

But Azerbaijan was not the last plan to create Israel for the Zionists. In the two thousandth years, talks began about the project of a New Jerusalem (or Heavenly Jerusalem). The aim of the project is the formation of a Jewish state inside Ukraine in the territories of its five southern regions: Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Kherson and Mykolaiv. 

The project is long-term, its terms are determined by the Council of Benefactors, the time is described until 2049 and even after 2060.

Description of the project 

The author of the idea and the executive director of the project, Berkut: “The design of the New Jerusalem “5+5+5 “starting in 2014, the first five years are the rotting and decomposition of the existing system, the next five years are the destruction and fragmentation after 19, and the next five years, after 2024, are reformatting. The year 2029 is the first step for a New Jerusalem.” 

Thus, by the end of 2029, about 5 million Jews (under the leadership of Hasidim) are scheduled to arrive in their New Homeland to build a New Jerusalem. 

Israeli Prime Minister B. Netanyahu has already discussed the organization of resettlement and settlement of Jews, as well as possible economic and political assistance in the implementation of the project, with then-acting Prime Minister of Ukraine V. Groisman, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev, senior adviser to US President Donald Trump and a member of the influential Jewish organization Chabad Lubavitch, Jared Kushner. 

But, with the beginning of a Special Military Operation, this plan was destroyed, hopefully forever. 

Thus, we tried to prove by facts that the tragedies of the Russian, Armenian and Palestinian peoples have common roots, which are fed by the diabolical plan of Zionist fanatics to cleanse the territories of Novorossiya and Donbass, Nagorno–Karabakh and Palestine from autochthonous peoples to resettle Jews there. President Zelensky, Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Aliyev family are the main destabilizers of Europe, the Middle East and the South Caucasus. The sooner the peoples of the world, and especially the peoples living in these regions, understand this truth, the sooner peace will come there.

Victor Smirnov

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