By Ramsharan Joshi

In my childhood,

In my mother’s lap,

I had heard the story of Harishchandra-Taramati.

She had not allowed her own son to be cremated without performing the last rites.

I don’t want to become Harishchandra.

Mother, I am the Harishchandra of Kalyug.

I want money,

Anyone can give it, of any colour.

The condition is,

It should be muddy.

Hawking says there is no God.


I say,

There is a God, of untruth.

Untruth is my religion.


Satya Dharma — Raj Dharma is in history.

I can make history dance on my fingers.

I can change geography,

I can bring Takshila to Bihar.

I can stop wars,

I can destroy governments.

Falsehood is my oxygen,

Morning and evening, day+week+month+year.

Falsehood is my bed, covering,

Falsehood is my dress,

Falsehood is the dyer.

If there is no falsehood,

I am not,

I do not exist.

My resolution is, ‘Asatyameva Jayate’.

Leaving public shame, dignity,

I have created Raasleela with falsehood.

Falsehood is democracy, Constitution,

The kingdom is contained in falsehood,

And its thousand arms and my infinite chest.

Someone tell them,

To close their shops of truth and love,

To gather ideologies.

I have decorated the mall,

Countless malls of colourful, enchanting idols.

In every city, every town and every mind.

Accept your surrender,

From Kaliyug’s Harishchandra.

There is only profit,

You will enjoy the kingdom, eat 56 delicacies.

You will be called pure, virtuous soul and a devotee of God.

That’s it!

In the universe,

Sing the praises of ‘Aasatya Dharma’.

Make it resonate,

Even Hitler + Mussolini + Goebbels will be ashamed in the afterlife,

with your sound of conch shell.

Three worlds will be at your feet,

You will become the emperor of ‘Aasatya Lok’.


Victory to Asatyaeshwar Maharaj!

Victory to Asatya Dharma……Victory to Asatya Dharma!

(Ramsharan Joshi is a seasoned journalist, author and academic. He is based in Delhi. )

One Reply to “Say, Hail the Untruth!”

  1. वाह अमित सेनगुप्ता , जोशी जी की इस कविता को हम पहले भी पढ़ चुके थे पर इस पोर्टल में इसे शामिल करना अच्छी शुरुआत है।
    और हां, हम स्वयं स्थापित कवि नहीं हैं पर जब
    जेएनयू में पढ़ते थे जर्मन कवि ग्यूंटर ग्रास की एक
    कविता द स्नेल का कश्मीर के इम्तियाज बक्शी ( मोंटी) के सहयोग से घोंघा शीर्षक देकर हिंदी में अनुवाद किया था। मोंटी का निधन होने पर
    अमेरिका से भारत आई उनकी बहन रोजनार को
    अच्छा लगा कि मैने लखनऊ के नॉटनल से प्रकाशित अपने उस ई बुक न्यू इंडिया में मंदी को मोंटी को डेडिकेट किया जिसके कवर पर घोंघा का स्केच है। मेरी वह अनुदित कविता दिल्ली के रामजस कॉलेज में अंग्रेजी के प्रोफेसर रहे दौलत राम चौधरी ने हरियाणा में रोहतक से प्रकाशित अपने पाक्षिक अखबार पीग में छापी थी।

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